Foodways of adult children of Latin American and Caribbean migrants
Foodways of adult children of Latin American and Caribbean migrants
The research sets out to explore what adult children of migrants consider to be their eating culture and food identity. We do so by looking at how they shop, cook, and eat on a daily basis and what foods they feel connected to. A secondary goal of this research is to understand how important sustainable food is for this group. For this report, we invited adult children of migrants, who grew up in Almere to share their stories. Being born in the Netherlands with parents who were born abroad – in our case Latin-America and the Caribbean – children of migrants grow up in two different food environments simultaneously. Outside the home, they are surrounded by a Dutch food environment, while the eating patterns in and around their household or wider family setting may reflect the backgrounds of their parents.

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Stedelijke Voedselvraagstukken |
Jaar | 2023 |
Type | Rapport |
Taal | Engels |