Intrahousehold dynamics and food security
the case of ring beneficiary households in the Sagnarigu municipality in the northern region of GhanaIntrahousehold dynamics and food security
the case of ring beneficiary households in the Sagnarigu municipality in the northern region of GhanaSamenvatting
The study examined the effects of intra-household dynamics and household food consumption and accessibility among beneficiaries of Resilience In Northern Ghana (RING) project within the Sagnarigu Municipality in the Northern Region of Ghana. The project engages rural women in the production of leafy green vegetables through drip irrigation, orange flesh sweet potato (“alaafe wuljo”), village savings and loans association and ruminant rearing.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Management of Development |
Partner | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein |
Jaar | 2018 |
Type | Master |
Taal | Engels |