Enhancing women's participation in agricultural education in Afghanistan through distance education by the national agricultural education college (NAEC) Afghanistan
Enhancing women's participation in agricultural education in Afghanistan through distance education by the national agricultural education college (NAEC) Afghanistan
Even though women participate actively in the agricultural sector, they are underrepresented in agricultural education and extension in Afghanistan. This is also seen at NAEC, where the number of female students remains very low and as a consequence limited female teachers are available for the AHS. This paper analyses the situation at NAEC and explores the alternatives that are currently deployed by NAEC to increase access to agricultural education for women and girls.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Gepubliceerd in | International women online journal of distance education WOJDE, [S.l.], Vol. 6, Uitgave: 2, Pagina's: 67-78 |
Datum | 2017-04-01 |
Type | Artikel |
ISSN | 2147-0367 |
Taal | Engels |