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Procurement arrangements for linking broilerfarmers in Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria to a chicken processor

the case of Imo Hill Farms Limited

Open access

Procurement arrangements for linking broilerfarmers in Ilesa, Osun State, Nigeria to a chicken processor

the case of Imo Hill Farms Limited

Open access


In Osun State, Nigeria, live birds from smallholder farmers dominate the market. Live birds are sold unprocessed at live weight prices to traders in the chain. Extended feeding of broiler chickens, continuous consumption of other resources and high transaction cost forces broiler farmers to patronize daily markets and dispose of their live birds within the shortest possible time. This situation denies the farmer the opportunity to access and link up with profitable off-takers of live birds, especially outside yuletide seasons.

OrganisationVan Hall Larenstein
DepartmentAgricultural Production Chain Management
PartnerHogeschool Van Hall Larenstein

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