Raising awareness for agrifood in secondary schools with a genomics cookbook
Raising awareness for agrifood in secondary schools with a genomics cookbook
How to encourage students to choose for a future in agrifood? Not like we always did. The labor market shows an increasing shortage. The agrifood sector plays a significant role in achieving global food security and environmental sustainability. Scholars hardly realize what they can contribute to these social, ecologic and economic issues. The sector needs to expand the range of career opportunities in the agriculture-food-nutrition-environment nexus. Most importantly, it means creating incentives that encourage young people to see agrifood as one of the best options for a career choice.Inspiring learning materials have been developed to achieve awareness in secondary schools in the Netherlands. A Genomics Cookbook with food metaphors to explain biological principles is highly appreciated by both teachers and students. It is a way to increase influx into green colleges and universities, and thereby efflux to the agrifood sector.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Lectoraat | Food Physics |
Gepubliceerd in | Advances in Nutrition and Food Science Kosmos, New Jersey, Vol. 2021, Uitgave: 2, Pagina's: 1-10 |
Datum | 2021-06-29 |
Type | Artikel |
ISSN | 2641-6816 |
DOI | 10.37722/ANAFS.2021203 |
Taal | Engels |