Scaling mechanisms for avocado loss reduction in Meru County, Kenya
Scaling mechanisms for avocado loss reduction in Meru County, Kenya
Kenya's horticultural sector comprises of a diverse range of fruits, as the country's tropical and temperate climate zones facilitate the cultivation of a diverse range of horticultural crops. Avocado is one of the main horticultural products in Kenya that permits additional investments aimed at integrated sector development. Food loss refers to a decrease in the weight or quality of food that was initially produced for human consumption as the result of inefficiencies created along the food supply chain, for example poor logistics and infrastructure, insufficient technology, knowledge, skills, management capacity of supply chain participants, and market access. This research has been carried out as part of Food Waste Reduction and Food Quality Living LAB FORQLAB – Kenya Project

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Agricultural Production Chain Management |
Lectoraat | Climate Smart Dairy Value Chains |
Partner | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein |
Datum | 2022-09-14 |
Type | Master |
Taal | Engels |