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Slow fashion

Niche to norm

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Rights:All rights reserved

Slow fashion

Niche to norm

Open access

Rights:All rights reserved


The conscious living movement, also known as the slow movement, has recently shifted from the food to the fashion industry, resulting in the emergence of the slow fashion movement with many upcoming slow fashion initiatives. The gradual shift towards more sustainable innovations in the design process is due to more awareness of conscious living. This has led to fast fashion companies creating eco-friendly collections, which is a significant development in the fashion industry. The objective is to discover how slow fashion initiatives can attract more student consumers by new innovations in slow fashion. Thus, the central question of this research is: How do contemporary sustainable innovations in slow fashion influence the purchasing intention of student consumers?

This literature review in this research focusses on various important aspects: slow fashion, sustainable innovation, and purchasing intention, which is all constructed on the Consumer Decision Process (CDP) model and the 7Ps Service Marketing Mix (7Ps) model. Both are examined in the theoretical framework. Additionally, three brands from the slow fashion industry were analysed to discover how slow fashion initiatives operate and if the data synchronised with the desk research in the literature review. In addition, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this research. Firstly, questionnaires were used to discover what factors most likely can influence the purchasing intention of student consumers. Then, desk research provided detailed data of the industry, which generated a better understanding of the practises and theories regarding the slow fashion movement.

The findings revealed that the fashion industry itself can initiate change in the industry through its design process as this ultimately leads to further change in the fashion industry. However, there are external factors such as price and quality that may influence the consumer decision process (CDP). Thus, the purchasing intention of student consumers are not directly influenced by contemporary sustainable innovations.

The recommendation tentatively advices slow fashion companies to market awareness campaigns targeted at student consumers regarding the impact of both slow- and fast fashion, whilst simultaneously acquire recognition for the brand itself. Additionally, further research regarding the CDP model and the relation between student consumers and their perspective on slow fashion is recommended to identify how the industry can cater to needs and wants in a sustainable manner.


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OrganisationDe Haagse Hogeschool
EducationMO Europese Studies / European Studies
DepartmentFaculteit Management & Organisatie

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