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Bachelorscriptie klanttevredenheid

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Bachelorscriptie klanttevredenheid

Open access



This report is written for Barning Telecommunicatie. The goal of this research is to gain insights into
the level of customer satisfaction for Barning Telecommunicatie and to come up with an advice on
how to improve customer satisfaction.
Background information
Barning Telecommunicatie is an independent specialist in the field of mobile data and telecom
solutions for small and medium enterprises. Barning Telecommunicatie was founded in 2009 and is
based in The Netherlands. Barning Telecommunicatie provides services and products like
telecommunications, repairs and data solutions.
This research consists of desk and field research. Deskresearch has been chosen to investigate
customer satisfaction. Field research was used to find out how customers of Barning
Telecommunicatie experience the quality of service, the quality of the products and the prices. The
goal of this research is to gain insights into the level of customer satisfaction for Barning
Telecommunicatie and to come up with an advice on how to improve customer satisfaction. The
research question is: How can Barning Telecommunicatie improve their customer satisfaction?
The following subquestions were researched.
Desk research
1. What is customer satisfaction?
2. Which factors are of influence on customer satisfaction?
3. What is the importance of customer satisfaction?
Field research
4. How does the customer experience the quality of service by Barning Telecommunicatie?
1. How is the reliability experienced?
2. How is the responsiveness experienced?
3. How is the assurance experienced?
4. How is the empathy experienced?
5. How is the tangibility experienced?
6. How is the accessibility and reachability experienced?
5. How does the customer experience the product quality of Barning Telecommunicatie?
6. How does the customer experience the price of Barning Telecommunicatie?
Desk research found that service quality, product quality and price are the biggest factors in customer
satisfaction. Furthermore it was found that serve quality van be divided into five dimensions: reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility. Product quality can be divided on basic
characteristics, performance, quality, image and extras. With price the absolute price and value for
money are most influential in customer satisfaction.
Field research found that the customers of Barning Telecommunicatie are generally content. Barning
Telecommunicatie customers are most content about the service quality in regard to the product
quality and price. Reliability is experienced the least positive when looking at service quality.
Furthermore the website is not clear enough and according to the survey it does not give enough
information to the customers about the company and its services. The opening hours and the reliability
of agreements score very low when compared to the competition.
To conclude, most customers are content to very content about Barning Telecommunicatie. The
majority of respondents would recommend Barning Telecommunicatie to friends and colleagues.
To improve customer satisfaction it is essential to honour existing commitments and to improve the
opening hours. Furthermore the website scored very low in the research. It is necessary to improve
the website.
Not honouring existing commitments can be avoided when using the PDCA-­cycle. The PDCA-­cycle
has 4 activities: Plan, Do, Check and Act. It is essential that Barning Telecommunicatie does not
accept commitments it cannot honour. Furthermore the communication between colleagues plays an
important role. When a colleague of Barning Telecommunicatie needs help from his or hers
colleagues it is important to clearly communicate what is expected and when it is expected. By using a
commitment board the commitments of Barning Telecommunicatie can be clearly monitored. On this
board every employee writes their commitments, who is officiated with these commitments and what
the status of the commitments are. By this way there is a clear and comprehensible structure to the
Furthermore it would be wise to update the opening hours from Monday through Saturday. This gives
the customers of Barning Telecommunicatie the possibility to visit during the weekend. This way they
will not be forced to have to take time off from work to visit Barning Telecommunicatie. Barning
Telecommunicatie can choose to be open for part of the day or the entire day on Saturdays. However,
for updated opening hours it is necessary to have two extra employees in the sales department who
can work Saturdays.

Toon meer
OrganisatieHogeschool Leiden
OpleidingCommerciële Economie
AfdelingFaculteit M&B

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