Communiversity : on academic cooperation with Africa
Communiversity : on academic cooperation with Africa
The experience of living and working on intellectual projects in Africa often brings forth a sense of despair. For individuals educated in Western biased education systems, a constant struggle persists within their minds, questioning which perspective to adopt and how to evaluate different situations. What underlies this unsettled feeling, this emotional distress, when assessing realities in African places?

Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Afdeling | Domein Business, Media en Recht |
Lectoraat | Netwerken in een Circulaire Economie |
Gepubliceerd in | A European Africa Agenda 2025-2100 : towards effective long-term strategies for migration Sallux, Amersfoort |
Jaar | 2024 |
Type | Boekdeel |
ISBN | 9789492697387 |
Taal | Engels |