Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: a multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample
Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: a multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample
Body image has implications for psychosocial functioning and quality of life and its distur-bance is reported in a broad range of psychiatric disorders. In view of the lack of instruments in Dutch measuring body image as a broad concept, we set out to make an instrument avail-able that reflects the multidimensional character of this construct by including more dimen-sions than physical appearance. The Dresden Ko¨rperbildfragebogen (DBIQ, Dresden Body Image Questionnaire) particularly served this purpose. The DBIQ consists of 35 items and five subscales: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, physical contact, vitality, and self-aggrandizement. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ-NL) in a non-clinical sample.
The psychometric properties of the DBIQ-NL were examined in a non-clinical sample of 988 respondents aged between 18 and 65. We investigated the subscales’ internal consistency and test-retest reliability. In order to establish construct validity we evaluated the association with a related construct, body cathexis, and with indices of self-esteem and psychological wellbeing. The factor structure of the DBIQ-NL was examined via confirmatory factor analy-sis (CFA). The equivalence of the measurement model across sex and age was evaluated by multiplegroup confirmatory factor analyses.
Confirmatory factor analyses showed a structure in accordance with the original scale, where model fit was improved significantly by moving one item to another subscale. Multiple group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age demonstrated partial strong invari-ance. Internal consistency was good with little overlap between the subscales. Temporal reliability and construct validity were satisfactory.
Results indicate that the DBIQ-NL is a reliable and valid instrument for non-clinical subjects. This provides a sound basis for further investigation of the DBIQ-NL in a clinical sample.

Gepubliceerd in | PLOS One Pagina's: 1-18 |
Datum | 2017-07-26 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |