Description of the German horse feed industry with a qualitative analysis of problems due to change of legislation
Description of the German horse feed industry with a qualitative analysis of problems due to change of legislation
The objective is to describe the German horse feed market and its developments and to investigate what the change in legislation means to production, packaging and marketing processes for feed manufacturers and therefore what manufacturer’s problems with the new legislation are. Furthermore it has to be investigated what effects the additional high competitive pressure means for manufacturers and in last instance what it means for customers, especially regarding the price of horse feed. The general information about the German hose feed market and the involved legislation connected with the results of the qualitative analysis will lead to a guideline for feed manufacturers of how to handle, label and mix their products. Problems of feed manufacturers regarding the change in legislation 2010 as well as a discussion about the changes in the processing of feed stuff regarding marketing and labeling are investigated.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Dier- en veehouderij |
Jaar | 2011 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |