Everyday Fare
promoting a sustainable and healthy food system for the cityEveryday Fare
promoting a sustainable and healthy food system for the citySamenvatting
In this inaugural speech, Dr. Wertheim-Heck takes take you to themundane and often inconspicuous nature of our daily foodconsumption: our everyday fare. I believe that this holds animportant key for a successful transition towards a moresustainable, healthy and inclusive food system for the city. The author starts by giving a historical perspective with a personal slant. She then elaborates on the specific context of cities in transition towards a more sustainable, healthy, and inclusive food system. This will be linked to the specific context of Almere and the brief for the author's professorship within Food and Healthy living at Aeres University of Applied Sciences Almere

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Voedsel en Gezond Leven |
Jaar | 2017 |
Type | Lezing |
Taal | Engels |