Situational analysis of French dairy heifers feed intake
factors of variation, dairy advisor’s opinion, recommendations, and farm dataSituational analysis of French dairy heifers feed intake
factors of variation, dairy advisor’s opinion, recommendations, and farm dataSamenvatting
The French project INGELA, dairy heifers intake (or Ingestion des Genisses Laitière in French), aims to update the data on the dairy heifer intake capacity. It is based on two main actions: an overview of the current situation and an experimental trial at the INRAE farm in the Pin au Haras in Normandy. In this study are presented the results of the first part of the project.

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Afdeling | Dier- en Veehouderij |
Partner | Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten |
Institut de l’Elevage | |
Datum | 2021-01-11 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |