Plant-based meat alternatives
Plant-based meat alternatives
The increasing global population is pushing companies to come up with alternative ways of production to meet the demand (Roser, 2013). The problem of feeding nearly 10 billion people in 2050 is described by the EAT Lancet commission and in order to meet the demand that comes with the growing number of consumers, dietary shifts have to be made (EAT, 2021) (Willett et al., 2019). The result will be that food is produced more sustainably and the production will have lower effects on the climate and will be less exhaustive on the resources (Van der Have, & Rubalcaba, 2016). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out what the most important motivations of consumers are in order to write recommendations to food processors that will give these companies information about features that make the consumer buy plant-based meat alternatives (PBMA’s). The research has been limited to the Dutch millennial consumer since this is a group that is more likely to initiate change because this group is buying products that they can identify their beliefs and values in (Moreno, Lafuente, Avila, Moreno, 2017). And so, the research question of this research is “What are the main motivations of millennials to include plant-based meat substitutes in their diet?”. Due to current trends such as green consumerism and the behaviour of the millennial consumer it is expected that most of these consumers are willing to include PBMA’s in their diet (Berkhout et al., 2018).

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Afdeling | International Food & Agribusiness |
Partner | Aeres University of Applied Sciences Dronten |
Datum | 2021-07-27 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |