A research perspective on the determinants of social and cognitive frailty
A research perspective on the determinants of social and cognitive frailty
Frailty is a disputed but important concept in the care of older people. The agreed definition ( Fried et al 2001) is clinically driven and focusses on physical components and incapacity. But frailty is determined not only by disability and comorbidity. How do those defined by others as frail – perceive themselves. What wider determinants – social and cognitive - influence frailty and to what extent? Or rather does being identified as “frail” conversely effect social engagement, and cognitive abilities. The concept of frailty itself, how it is defined and by whom will be questioned as this can have a direct impact on those seen to be “frail”. How can the concept of frailty be reframed to reflect the multi factorial dimensions that impact how older people experience everyday life.

Organisatie | Hanze |
Datum | 2019-06-04 |
Type | Conferentiebijdrage |
Taal | Engels |