Exploring the relation between teacher autonomy support and children’s musical creativity
A complexity approach to studying interaction in primary school music lessons Eine explorativeExploring the relation between teacher autonomy support and children’s musical creativity
A complexity approach to studying interaction in primary school music lessons Eine explorativeSamenvatting
In primary music education a key question is what teachers can do to stimulate students’ musical creativity. For the answer, delving into teacher-student interaction during the creative processes in the naturalistic setting of primary music lessons is required. Twenty-six music lessons from thirteen teachers and their classes of seven Dutch schools were recorded to explore the relation between teachers’ autonomy support and students’ divergent and convergent thought & action. Quantitative sequential analysis and thematic analysis were combined to examine this relation, using a framework offered by Complex Dynamic Systems theory and Enaction theory. In contrast to classical correla-tional analysis, sequential analysis focuses on the dynamics, and thus on the temporal relation in classroom interaction. The results show that mostly lower-level autonomy support was offered. Es-pecially in creative lessons, higher-level autonomy support is more likely to lead to higher-level student divergent thought and action. For convergent thought and action, the results were less con-clusive. An implication of the findings is that (research into) music education could benefit from interventions aimed at enhancing autonomy support in primary school music.

Organisatie | Hanze |
Gepubliceerd in | Bulletin of Empirical Music Education Research mdwPress, Vol. 14, Uitgave: 1, Pagina's: 1-41 |
Datum | 2023-12-09 |
Type | Artikel |
Taal | Engels |