How do we organize that urban consumers get enough food, and the food they want?
How do we organize that urban consumers get enough food, and the food they want?
Until recently, we separated farmers and urban communities. Each had their own ministries, policy plans, cultures, knowledge and education institutes and even political parties. Now we accept that this division is gone in the Netherlands. Rural areas ceased to exist, and urbanity was found everywhere. Former rural areas were transformed into green spaces inside metropolitan areas. Farmers and peaceful villages woke up and saw themselves surrounded by cities. Even more: city dwellers became their neighbours. The time has come that we look upon farming and urbanised areas as an integrated system.

Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Lectoraat | Duurzame Agribusiness in Metropolitane gebieden |
Datum | 2013-10-03 |
Type | Lezing |
Taal | Engels |