Analysis of common bean seed value chain and marketing channels in south western Uganda agro-ecological zone
Analysis of common bean seed value chain and marketing channels in south western Uganda agro-ecological zone
Common bean is a vital legume essential crop in Uganda. Common bean seed marketing and accessibility is the major concern in south western agro-ecological zone for both small-scale farmers and seed producers. An acute element in attaining higher crop yield is better access to key farming inputs by farmers and specifically sufficient volumes of quality improved common beans seed. The gap among the common bean seed producers and farmers can’t be bridged if no one knows what farmers want or if no-one knows what seed producers have. This research sought to provide knowledge to bridge the gap among stakeholders in the common bean seed value chain.
Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Agricultural Production Chain Management |
Partner | Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein |
Datum | 2020-09-09 |
Type | Master |
Taal | Engels |