'Wat voel ik?'
de bijdrage van PMT voor LVB jongeren, in het herkennen van emoties bij zichzelf'Wat voel ik?'
de bijdrage van PMT voor LVB jongeren, in het herkennen van emoties bij zichzelfSamenvatting
‘Wat voel ik?’ is a study about the contribution of psychomotor therapy (PMT) in recognizing emotions by youth with mild intellectual disabilities (MID) in a age of 12 until 20 years. The study should result in a number of clues about how the PMT, as a form of treatment, can be used to learn youth with MID to recognize emotions by themselves. This question is answered by means of a literature study. No results are found in linking the three terms of the research question (PMT, MID, emotion recognizing). Because of this, it was decided to link two of the three key terms. This literature study has shown that MID youth has emotional and behavior problems, because they have problems with recognizing their emotions. Emotions are often reflected in a physical way, therefore it is important to recognize body signals. From the results can be concluded that a number of clues can be given for psychomotor therapists, who work with the MID youth. The PMT treatment for LVB youth who have problems with recognizing their own emotions, will mainly be body- and experience focused. In this therapy the focus is on recognizing body signals and the awareness of sensory experiences. Afterwards, the link with the different basic emotions can be made. The attitude and interventions of the psychomotor therapist have to fit with the emotional en cognitive level of the client. In order to provide a more reliable and comprehensive answer to the research question, a practical follow-up study will be necessary.

Organisatie | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Opleiding | Psychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie |
Afdeling | Domein Bewegen en Educatie |
Partner | Hogeschool Windesheim |
Datum | 2013-05-01 |
Type | Bachelor |
Taal | Engels |