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“Ik mag er zijn!”

effecten van behandeling op negatieve lichaamsbeleving bij eetstoornis patiënten met obesitas

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“Ik mag er zijn!”

effecten van behandeling op negatieve lichaamsbeleving bij eetstoornis patiënten met obesitas

Open access

Rechten:Alle rechten voorbehouden


In this study the following question will be examineted: How does the existing treatment for the eating disorder obesity within PsyQ, affect the negative body image of this patients? Body dysmorphic means what people think and feel about there bodies and what tis means for their daily doing. A negative body image is frequently presented by patients with eating disorders. The judgment that the patient has about himself is more strongly influenced by body shape and body weight, compared to a person without an eating disorder. Negative body image is therefore often seen as a key concept in the treatment of eating disorders. According to the guidelines for eating disorders, based on clinical evidence, modules for the PMT are advised to treat the body dysmorphic. The current treatment program within PsyQ there for, runs with PMT, CBT and Diet Management. However, there is not empirical data available about the impact of the interventions on negative body image in patients with eating disorders and obesity. This study does therefore an affect measurement regarding the treatment of this facet. 7 patients with an eating disorder and obesity participated on filling the Body cathexis scale and the lichaamsattitude vragenlijst before and after the treatment period of 20 weeks. The results show that the majority of the patients scored more positive on body image after following the current treatment program. What specific interventions, this positive outlook on their own bodies have increased is not clear as a result of this study. Also there can’t be said whether it was the PMT which has this influence on the positive outcome or the other therapies. However this is interesting to know for future and improve the treatment for these patients.

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OrganisatieHogeschool Windesheim
OpleidingPsychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie
AfdelingDomein Bewegen en Educatie
PartnerPsyQ te Groningen

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