A reconnaissance study of the citrus value chains in Tanga Region, Tanzania
A reconnaissance study of the citrus value chains in Tanga Region, Tanzania
This study examines the domestic and international orange value chains within Muheza district, Tanzania. The thesis was conducted as part of a project examining the fruit farming systems and the value chains that they supply with raw material . The research though a field study conducted into the region, collected empirical data concerning the orange value chains from different chain actors within Tanga. By examining the sector it clarifies the process by which the physical flow of oranges move within the value chain, the marketing alternatives to farmers, constraints faced and the gross margins for the different actors in the chain. The study considers the constraints within the current value chain and offers an analysis of the marketing channels for harvested oranges. Two major research strategies were employed: (1) a quantitative analysis of trader data through a mini survey of 20 traders and (2) three case studies. Additional data was collected from published literature and interviews. The data collected was analyzed using tables generated from the findings. Descriptive statistics was used to compare the margins earned by each actor in the value chain system. Value chain analysis tool was used to describe the functions/roles of the actors and PESTE employed to identify the business environment within Muheza. The findings of the research were used in formulating a new proposed value chain for the orange sector in Muheza that would enable efficient handling of oranges and orange products from the primary producers in Tanga region to the local or international markets.
Organisatie | Van Hall Larenstein |
Afdeling | Agricultural Production Chain Management |
Jaar | 2008 |
Type | Master |
Taal | Engels |