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New opportunities for eating disorders

developing a treatment delivery tool to help patients to communicate with each other

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Rights:All rights reserved

New opportunities for eating disorders

developing a treatment delivery tool to help patients to communicate with each other

Open access

Rights:All rights reserved


This paper aims to find opportunities in a new medium that could support treatment for eating disorder (ED) patients. This research is based on the study of previous scholars, expert interviews, a focus group workshop (part of an iterative design process) and cognitive mapping method. Major findings from the literature review are that ED patients have poor social networks and their family caregivers struggle with helping the patients during the treatment. Nevertheless, several studies mention the positive power of peer support for patients. Secondary research has resulted in user-focused service design requirements to develop a new mobile platform. Its design requirements are based on real users’ need, as found via focus group workshops. They want new technology that could help them to grow their self-esteem and confidence by taking the place of caregivers. Patients could, also, eat food with other patients in an interactive and secure environment through this platform. This will help them to know they are not alone and they have somebody who can understand them and motivate them to solve a problem. Currently, there is no mobile application which connects patients to other patients. This mobile application is not only a new approach to patient’s networking system but also for the digital mental healthcare industry.

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OrganisationDe Haagse Hogeschool
EducationTIS Industrial Design Engineering
DepartmentFaculteit Technologie, Innovatie & Samenleving

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