Building inclusive healthy and sustainable food narratives
Building inclusive healthy and sustainable food narratives
The aim was to study the needs, opportunities and effects of citizen engagement in the urban food system transition. This addresses the issue of - ‘how’, ‘in what ways’ and ‘through what methods’ - citizens can be engaged in the developments towards a more sustainable and healthy regional food system. The research project sought to investigate the roles citizen engagement can take in the transformation of the urban food environment towards healthier and sustainable food consumption patterns. The study covers desired food futures; food discourse; the message our bodies convey about our eating habits; the effect of Covid-19 on food pattern transformations; the term 'organic' in relation to food; mass media as a source of information about food.

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Voedsel en Gezond Leven |
Datum | [2021] |
Type | Boek |
Taal | Engels |