Tackling food poverty!
towards healthy, sustainable, and socially just food environments through inclusive participationTackling food poverty!
towards healthy, sustainable, and socially just food environments through inclusive participationSamenvatting
Citizens living in food poverty can easily get caught up in a vicious cycle. Socioeconomicallydisadvantaged people often rely on food assistance and are more likely to suffer from diseases caused by unhealthy diets, such as diabetes. They may also experience isolation and lack social networks, as they do not have the financial means to participate in social life. Moreover, this group is often overlooked in decision-making processes regarding healthy and sustainable food environments. To create equitable food environments in urban areas, it is crucial to incorporate the everyday challenges and needs of socioeconomically disadvantaged people. In our collaborative research, we explore the needs of socioeconomically disadvantaged people regarding a healthy and sustainable diet in Switzerland and the Netherlands. The aim is also to develop, in a participatory way, ideas on how to create more socially just and inclusive food environments.Keywords: food poverty, food environments, social participation, participatory action research

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Stedelijke Voedselvraagstukken |
Gepubliceerd in | Building movement achieving transformation Aesop, Pagina's: 178-185 |
Datum | 2024-06-28 |
Type | Conference proceedings |
DOI | 10.5281/zenodo.12938366 |
Taal | Engels |