Eating apart together
how vegetarian and meat eating students manage commensality in a flexitarian ageEating apart together
how vegetarian and meat eating students manage commensality in a flexitarian ageSamenvatting
We are living in a flexitarian age, in which reduced meat eating and vegetarianism are normalising, while simultaneously meat eating is still the norm in Dutch society. A resulting individualisation of diets begs the question whether and how omnivores and veg*ns living together maintain commensality. Based on interviews with 119 young people living in sharedhouseholds – made up of both vegans and omnivores – we investigate how these young adults shape and manage their shared meals.

Organisatie | Aeres Hogeschool |
Lectoraat | Stedelijke Voedselvraagstukken |
Gepubliceerd in | Consumption and Society Bristol University Press, [Bristol], Vol. 20, Uitgave: 20, Pagina's: 1-18 |
Jaar | 2023 |
Type | Artikel |
ISSN | 2752-8499 |
DOI | 10.1332/YQFO9787 |
Taal | Engels |